Judgement Day ( Work Capability Assessment)

Title of work: Judgement Day( Work Capability Assessment )

This piece of work is about my experience of being ill with M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis) otherwise none as Chronic Fatigue. It is about being dependent on state benefits because I lost my job through ill health. It has also been an outlet to express my frustration and feeling powerless at being within the benefit system. My illness was difficult to diagnose and medical evidence is difficult to produce.  I was dependent on specialist doctors & the Chronic Fatigue Service to support me through the ordeal.  I had to go through three appeals and attend three tribunals until they believed that I was not well enough too work. I produced schedules as evidence that I was recording each day and graded my exercise along with CBT evidence. Every time I went through the work capability assessment, I was asked the same questions, none of which really took into account the nature of the illness.


Details of the textiles made from: de-constructed uniforms, magnets, swarf, X3 pace makers, resistors.