Invisible M.E

Title of work: INVISIBLE M.E

INVISIBLE ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis):is body of work which has been fifteen years in the making, In 2010 I was diagnosed with M.E. otherwise known as Chronic Fatigue. I had the symptoms long before I was diagnosed, so it came as a huge relief when I finally knew that something was really wrong with me and that my condition had a name.

I experienced fatigue and malaise following mental or physical activity.  I also experienced muscle symptoms, which included exercise intolerance and post-exertion malaise, feeling exhausted the day after any physical activity, followed by pain.  I have had problems with my short-term memory, concentration and maintaining attention and I experience increased clumsiness. I have on-going abnormalities in my immune system: sore throats, joint pains, headaches, problems with temperature control and intermittent flu-like feelings.

In some respects ME has been a life changing experience. During my worst periods I thought I would never be able to carry on with my career. It has changed me forever, it has made me appreciate life, and my need to make art.

The work is highly embellished and very labour internsive, using challenging and in some cases, dangerous materials.

(left to right)

Titles:                    Materials:

Control Freak         swarf, magnets, steel plates.

Piercing Truth        thousands of dress pins piercing cloth.

Opposites Attract  snap fastenings, safety pins.